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Zurich – Highest Commissionable Targets in the Industry!
Click Here for more information.
TransACE 2014 PriceAdjustments – Effective 9/22/14
The 2014 edition of Transamerica’s TransACE guaranteed UL policy includes updated threshold pricing, designed to make the product more competitive in level-pay scenarios and standard risk classes. TransACE continues to offer guarantees, flexibility and control with their Multiflex Surrender Endorsement, Income Protection Option, an available Long Term Care rider ,and Real Time Pricing, which allows you to present your client with the best available rates at the time of issue. The last day to receive TransACE 2013 rates is October 24, 2014.
The new “Spotlight on Sales” section of Accordia Life’s agent site is the place to go for ideas and information you can use today to build and grow your business. Visit “Spotlight on Sales”.
Impress Affluent Clients and Their Attorneys with Specialized Sample Documents
When meeting with clients and their attorney, bring sample documents as a professional courtesy to give you the edge. Hundreds of sample documents are available in the specimen documents section of www.AGadvancedmarkets.com.
Supplement College Funding with Survivorship Life
Allianz’s new consumer-approved flyers shares the benefits of a survivorship life insurance policy, including how it provides a death benefit to help meet your clients’ life insurance needs, and how it may also be used to help supplement a college funding strategy. Read more.
A Strategy to Enhance Social Security Benefits
Join Allianz for an upcoming webinar on October 23, during which you’ll learn about a strategy that could help your clients delay and potentially increase their Social Security benefits. Learn more.
Boosting Client Wealth Transfer
Do you have affluent clients with a life insurance need, who don’t need all of their investable assets and went to leave a legacy for their family? This case study on BrightLife Protect from AXA shows how you may help boost this client’s wealth transfer. Learn more.
Protection UL: Lump Sums and Extra Value
To see how competitive Protection UL is when your clients make a lump sum payment during the first year, click here.
OPTerm Rate Change
LGA wants to offer protection solutions to Americans in every phase of their lives. And they know that different segments have different needs and different preferences in the way they obtain and manage their protection. So you can concentrate on engaging customers, and feel confident that the right solution from LGA will be rich and competitive.Learn more.
Looking to Grow Your Business?
In an age of uncertainty, offer a solution with wealth preservation, predictability and flexibility. Join Lincoln during an upcoming call on the Lincoln WealthPreserve Survivorship IUL and, in under 30 minutes, see how you can build your business for year end.
The UL Product with the Flexibility and Guarantees Clients Need
Here’s a BOLD Way to Learn More
Minnesota Life’s BOLD microsite is a one-stop shop where you can access BOLD marketing materials in a convenient, centralized location. Here you will find over 30 different advanced sales strategies for the business owner market. The site covers all five BOLD strategies that provide a life insurance solution for:
Take the BOLD steps forward and get BOLD results. Visit the BOLD microsite below or contact the Minnesota Life Sales Support team at 888.413.7860, option 1.
BOLD Microsite
An Alternative to ROP Term
For customers looking for return-of-premium term coverage, consider GUL with the Guaranteed Refund Option. Learn more.
Help your clients take advantage of drawing on tax-free income with Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL. To see how YourLife Indexed UL compares on maximum income solves, click here.
Meet Ted
Ted is a 50-year-old small business owner with two adult children from a previous marriage and two younger children with his current wife. Ted is concerned about maintaining death benefit coverage for his younger children, building as much cash value as possible and saving for his children’s education and life’s unexpected costs. Learn how Protective Indexed Choice UL can help Ted address these concerns.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and at Pru more of your clients who have a history of breast cancer may be eligible to qualify for favorable rates. Learn more.
Mexico – Non-U.S. Foreign Residence Guidelines Update
Residents of certain areas within Mexico will now be eligible for better rates – including Preferred Best. The Non-U.S. Foreign Residence Guidelines flyer now highlights these specific regions within Mexico that are rated better. Learn more.
Supplementing Retirement Income Using Life Insurance
Do you have clients who need death benefit protection, are maximizing their traditional retirement options (401k, IRA, etc…), looking for other ways to supplement their retirement income, and are concerned about the financial impact of a potential chronic or terminal illness? Permanent life insurance with a chronic/terminal illness rider may be an option.Learn more
Effective Wealth Strategies Brochure
Wealth transfer planning often positions assets that may not be needed during one’s lifetime for efficient transfer to the next generation. An effective strategy transfers wealth to heirs in a financially sound, and in many cases, tax-advantaged manner. Learn more about strategies often employed in planning for one’s wealth transfer needs. Learn more.
Adjusting Your Finances as an Empty Nester
Find out how your financial picture should change, and what you need to do, now that your children are out of the house.Learn more.
Turn your Clients’s IRA into a Greater Legacy
A stretch IRA can be an effective tool for increasing the wealth that passes to your clients’ beneficiaries. By using a portion of IRA assets to purchase a life policy held inside an irrevocable life insurance trust, a client’s stretch IRA can result in a larger legacy and more control over the assets. View Symetra’s IRA maximization materials, click here.
Chronic Illness Statistics Clients Need to See
Are you looking for a tool to aid in your next sale that could help clients protect against the financial risks of chronic illness? This video could be just the thing you were looking for. Share this powerful video with clients and prospects to get the message out about the need to protect against potential financial pitfalls from chronic illnesses. Watch the video.
Voya’s Cardiac Risk Assessments Might Surprise You
Your cardiac cases may now be Preferred with the Voya Life Companies. Take a look at the following example, which resulted in a Preferred rating for a 70-year old. Learn more.
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